Hello Everyone!
Brief Great Chow™ TV Synopsis:
Great Chow™ TV is a trending cooking channel formerly known as greatchow.wordpress.com. Great Chow TV is a tasty, multimedia/video rich and entertaining Foodie website/network (Blog/Vlog) created by me, Jason (Great Chow Jay). Great Chow™ does feature modern day pressure cooking such as Instant Pot recipes and other pressure cooking recipes. Modern day Pressure cooking is a super safe way of creating absolutely delicious and quick meals. NON-pressure cooker recipes are also featured such as healthy foods, appetizers, soups, main courses, rubs/marinades, deserts, and theme based meals. GreatChowTV strives to bring you, THE CHEF, detailed instruction while providing a rich multimedia experience that is fun and relaxed and easy to follow along with. Product reviews, demo’s and walk through’s will be shown for trending kitchen gadgets as well. An array of tasty video and still formats will also be implemented to deliver maximized deliciousness to the amazing Great Chow community. Enjoy and Happy Eating! ~ Jason (Great Chow Jay)
YouTube Info: The Great Chow YouTube Channel is a trending channel with over 1 Million views and 6 Million minutes watched. YouTube reached out to me an put me in a unique program for original content providers. The Great Chow cooking channel was targeted for optimization by Google and YouTube. I have been approached with various broadcasting partnership opportunities with Multi Channel Networks (MCN’s). I have extensive knowledge of production broadcasting through media, social media while leveraging social media marketing. I have also written a thesis and performed guest public speaking to other communications students to inspire, motivate and develop their creative process and workflow from my YouTube blog/vlogging experience thus far.
Watch the Great Chow Welcome Sizzle Reel on YouTube (Press the play button)
College and Education:
I have just graduated from college after 22 years (attending Off and On) in Broadcasting with a concentration in Visual Media and Motion Graphics from the School of Communications at Seton Hall University with a 3.7 GPA, yeah baby! Hard work, dedication and never ending self belief got me through it.
To celebrate my graduation, I am building this website from scratch (by myself) and developing my skills further so that I can provide long term maximized deliciousness to you in many different ways. My heart, imagination and creativity is limitless and I cant wait to produce. The picture to the right is my very last day of college; June 20, 2016.
#motivation #inspiration #determination #endurance #mission #discipline
… And NOW Great Chow has been published and can be viewed on Amazon Prime Video!
I have been getting really nice feedback from my viewers. Please make sure to Subscribe to join my community and Sign Up on this website (up top) to receive all new tasty updates, videos and recipes!
I personally built this delicious site for YOU and ME!
Thank you for visiting!
~ Jason
Great Chow™ Trademark and Copyright Notice:
Great Chow™ is a registered trademark of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (the reviewing attorneys subscribe too!) All photographs, video and crafted blog material has been solely created by me Jason, the creator and developer of Great Chow™
Great Chow LOVES to share (that’s why i’m here); always feel free to share posts from Great Chow™ TV all over social media as well as with friends and family. Bloggers, Recipe Writers and Restaurant owners (Yes, restaurant owners who use my photos for your gain) just please simply link back and provide credit or “collaborative credit” to Great Chow and post away! (I am honored you chose my photos and I always wish you the best and wish you prosperity).
Would You Like to Work With Me?
- Collaboration on a project or episode ?
- Attend a blog/vlog convention ?
- Review your product ?
- Review your restaurant and showcase it?
- Need help with starting, developing your blog or videos ?
- Looking to start up a YouTube channel and need creative guidance ?
- Looking for someone to cook pancakes and review a product on QVC or Home Shopping Network on Sunday morning : ) ? I really do have some TV experience.
- Looking for someone to inspire and motivate you or a group?
- Need a HypeMan? Can’t book Flavor Flav? I entertain at Bar/Bat-Mitzvah’s, Communions, Sweet 16’s and Weddings too! (Just kidding-haha, but I can do it)
For more information please contact me at: greatchowtv@outlook.com
Thank you,
Wow I love all of your recipes. I just got an Instantpot and can’t wait to try somemailing of these. Thanks!
Hi Jean ! Thanks for the message ! I’m so glad you found me ! Welcome ! So glad to have you and good luck with your new Instant Pot. After a few uses you will feel perfectly comfortable using it and you will want to pressure cook everything in sight! Remember – it’s safe so no worries ! Happy pressure cooking : )
Thank you,
Great job here Jason, I watched your video and I was so impressed the way you create it. Your cool man, especially when you catch the shrimp and Oh my God, a crab!!! I was seriously impressed when I came across to your site particularly in your recipes bundled with your tools, tips & tricks. Just one simple favor here to ask, I noticed that you’ve been pressure cooking with the latest cooker, I hope I can get some insights from the expertise of yours in my latest blog post “5 Surprising Pressure Cooker Tips That Every Cook Should Know” here: http://aboutthechef.com/pressure-cooking/pressure-cooker-tips/
I will really appreciate it GreatChowJay. 🙂
Hello Bernard! First of I want to thank you so much for the really nice message. I really appreciate the time you took to write. I am so glad you enjoyed the fishing trip, it was a pleasure to have you on the trip, you are a real fisherman! LOL. YES, I promise you that I will leave a few tips on your blog during this week or this weekend. I am trying my best to respond back to people tonight. But I promise that I will not forget about you Bernard, You are very thoughtful my friend and I absolutely will reciprocate ASAP. I will be thinking about some good tips for your audience and visitors. Talk to you shortly Bernard.
Thank you!!!
~GreatChowJay! ; )
Hi Jason,
I really like your recipes and I plan on buying a instant pot.
I am a French Canadian and I’m not good at recognizing American speaking accents. Personally I would bet that you are located in New England. No offense, it’s just for my curiosity
Hello Marc, I just saw your message my friend. Thank you so much for visiting and writing. Instant pot is awesome and you will definitely enjoy it. You are very close with my accent. I am from New York / New Jersey area which is very close to New England. Absolutely no offense taken and I’m so glad that you are curious and asked. I keep in touch with some French Canadian chefs. I love Canada it’s beautiful up there and the food is amazing. All the best to you. Thank you and it’s great to hear from you, ~ Jason
Very new to the Instant Pot and tried your fall-off-the-bone ribs tonight. They were so good and a huge hit!
Hey Michele! excellent job on the ribs. Thank you so much for trying the Ribs out! I’m so glad that they were a huge hit with everyone. I am super proud of you! It was great to hear from you. All the best Thank you so much! ~ Jason
Hi Jason!
I love your site and your videos – very inspirational! You have a great story and your passion surely shines through your site and cooking. I stumbled upon your rib video on the IP Facebook group. I had a few epic rib fails in my IP, but I plan to try your method soon. It was kick to the ego since I have mastered smoking ribs slow and low, but like you say in the vid, sometimes you want ribs on a weeknight. That won’t work for me unless I want dinner at 11pm. I plan to try your skirt steak too – that looks phenomenal. People over look the skirt steak since it is so cheap, but with a good marinade and sauce it can be magical.
It’s great to hear a fellow NYer, as I grew up in Hudson Valley – upstate NY, but have been in CO for over 20 years now. Thanks for what you do!